Have you been planning on giving your WordPress website a new look and feel next year? Or, have you come up with a new app, product or anything that want to introduce to your target audience and are hoping to build hype around it? Well, then you should consider getting yourself an impressive coming soon theme.
Using a “Coming Soon” or any “Under Construction” WordPress theme, you can create buzz about your business or product, and most importantly will help keep your users asking for more. In this article, I’ve listed some of the best free as well as premium WordPress Coming Soon themes for 2016 worth exploring.
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Best Coming Soon WordPress Themes
Free Themes

Want to intrigue your visitors by creating a coming soon website page with animation? Then, Launcher theme is worth a try. The rocket used in the theme best to communicate your message – that you’re redesigning your site and will launch it soon.
The launcher theme features a clean and colorful design that comes with a subscription box, giving users the ability to get notified about your launch by subscribing to your. In addition, the theme also contains a countdown clock and social media buttons so that you can keep in touch with your users.

So, you’re starting up a brand and would want to make your users excited, by showing them a glimpse of what you’ll be offering. Well, then Felice is exactly what you need. It is a clean WordPress theme primarily built for creating coming soon page for your upcoming project. The chic design of this theme makes it suitable for creating a coming soon page for creative sites, whether it be an online fashion store, a design agency website and so on.
Felice is a responsive theme and looks great on all the devices, including iPhone and iPad. Additionally, the theme contains a fancy progress bar, social media icons and subscription form.

This theme perfectly suits your need to build an under construction page with a brilliant color scheme that makes the theme look fancy and attractive. This is a simple theme that fit the needs of your site owners who just want to inform their visitors that their site is getting redesigned or is undergoing a few changes.

If you’ve been searching for a Coming Soon theme perfectly-suited for displaying your product in one single page with its featured image, then the Coming Soon template by Templatic is worth a try.
The theme can be customized based on your preferences. You can use this theme for creating a coming soon page for your site or app/software you want to release. Besides this, the theme best suit the need of online shop owners who want to show their upcoming digital products.

If you’re a designer or a developer, and are working on some of your project that will be launched soon, then you can show your visitors a coming soon page to tell them you’re working something. Also, the Glacier Coming Soon theme contains a text box that will ask visitors to enter their email address, in order to notify them about what exactly are you working on.
You just need to sign up a form and can download the Glacier theme for free.
Premium Themes

This is one of the coolest coming soon themes that I’ve seen so far. The theme contains tubes with different colored liquids that will determine the time left in the launch of your site. The tubes start getting filled in terms of days, hours, minutes and seconds letting your users know how much time is left until the launch date of your site.
MyCountdown theme comes with several customization options, giving you the ability to make changes to the theme as you deem perfect. This is definitely one coming soon theme that will keep your users engaged with your website.
Price: $34

xLander is a great looking WordPress theme ideal for creating a Coming Soon page for your site, to make your users aware of your upcoming software, or an app you’re currently working on.
It includes all the essential features that you would expect from a coming soon theme like mobile optimized layout, revolution slider, visual composer plugin and more.
Price: $44

This is another rocket theme in our collection of premium coming soon WP themes. You can change the style of the theme based on any one of the two available formats and beautiful font combinations. Caelus contains amazing CSS3 animated options, including a signup form, countdown clock, and social media icons.
What’s more? The theme is responsive and looks good irrespective of the device that is used for accessing it.
Price: $34

This is a completely responsive theme that boasts a modern design with stunning CSS3 effects. The Coming Soon Panels HTML Template has a countdown clock that keeps visitors informed about how close your website is to launch date.
This is a lightweight theme and comes with high-definition graphics that will easily grab user’s attention.
Price: $25

This is a full responsive WordPress theme that helps in building a simple and clean coming soon page. The best part about Neno is that it is completely customizable and can be adjusted based on your preferences.
For instance, you can change the theme color to any one of the 5 predefined colors. Also, you can change the style of the theme using the 8 variant styles.
Price: $8
Hope this article will help you find a suitable WordPress theme for creating a coming soon page for your website.
Author Bio :
Ava Garcia is a passionate WordPress developer who likes sharing her knowledge about latest advancements in the world of world of web development. If you’re looking to hire WordPress developer , then Ava can prove to be an intelligent choice.