If you have plans to buy a new home soon and you’re considering going with a new build, there are a few things that you’re going to want to take a look at before you just assume that a new construction home will be the safer option for you as a homebuyer.
To help you in making these determinations, here are three things to check out in a newly constructed home before you buy.
Anything That Visually Looks Odd
As with when you’re walking around any home that you’re considering buying, you should keep an eye out on anything that looks visually odd.
While these things might be more obvious in a home that’s already been lived in, for a new construction home, you’ll want to look carefully at all of the details and finishings ,from the ceiling all the way down to the flooring. Keep in mind that the finishings are meant to cover up the structure of the home that isn’t meant to be seen. So if the finishing work looks messy, it might be safe to extrapolate that the work underneath those finishings may be messy, too. And when you’re looking for a safe and well crafted home to live in, you don’t want something with shoddy workmanship.
Check Around Doors And Windows
If you’re going to be moving into this home and living there from season to season, you’re going to want to make sure that the home will be as efficient as possible for you when it comes to utilities. Because of this, you’ll want to check around the doors and windows of this newly constructed home to ensure that there’s little to no air loss here.
If the doors and windows don’t fit well within the structure of the house, you can have drafts that make it hard to properly heat and cool your house. So if you notice gaps around the new windows or doors, this could be cause for concern.
Open Every Door, Drawer, And Cabinet
As you’re walking through a newly constructed home, you should take the time to open every door, drawer, and cabinet.
While it might seem like overkill to open up and look inside of everything, you’re going to want to know if something that should open doesn’t seem to be able to. This will help you to see that everything was hung and situated correctly so that everything works as it should. And if there are doors or cabinets that can’t open due to bad layout, this might be something to address before considering making an offer.
If you’re planning to buy a newly constructed home to live in, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you check out the property before buying.
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