Ad refreshing is an excellent way to boost your pay-per-click ad revenues. The feature adheres to relevant network policies and comes with a range of benefits. Website owners have the freedom to choose triggers based on their preferences. The Ad Refresh feature refreshes the ads displayed on your website while your user stays on the website.
Top businesses worldwide use this feature to improve website visibility and gain opportunities to collaborate with more ad publishers. However, while refreshing comes with a range of benefits, there are several points you need to consider before implementing the feature on your website.
Choosing the wrong triggers and implementation at the wrong time could potentially cause your ad revenues to diminish.
Viewability and CPM
Ad publishers pay you to display ads on your page. The publisher works on the assumption that you will display the ad throughout the time the user stays on your web page. Publishers may feel discouraged if you refresh the ads often.
Therefore, it’s critical to ensure that you choose the right triggers and preset conditions. You may consider monitoring your CPM before and after the implementation of this feature. If you notice a fall in CPM rates, the feature may not be appropriate for your website.
It’s also vital to test viewability before deciding to keep refreshing your ads. You may want to ensure that the process of refreshing does not impact the viewability of your ads. Experts assert that refreshing has a positive impact on viewability. You may run tests or try refreshing the ads on a trial basis to ensure that the feature does not affect your CPM or viewability adversely.
Adherence to Network Policies
The Ad Refresh feature does not violate Google ad exchange policies or policies of other ad exchanges. You may also want to ensure that the refreshing does not violate the contracts (if any) that you entered with your advertisement affiliates. It’s critical to choose the right triggers for your ad refreshing feature.
Standard Session Durations
Experts recommend analyzing typical session durations on your website before implementing the feature. Gaming sites, educational sites, and blogs have longer session durations than eCommerce sites.
Time-based triggers may be better if your site has long session durations. Conversely, user-based triggers and event-based triggers may suit retail sites best.
Testing and Monitoring
You may consider running standard A/B tests to check if the feature is suitable for your site. You may also track the impact of Ad Refresh implementation on your ad revenues, SERP rankings, and other similar parameters. Regular tracking and monitoring of ad revenues will help you deal with potential issues faster.
User’s Navigation Experience
Website owners may check if constant refreshing of ads impacts the navigation speed or obstructs navigation smoothness in any way. You may also check if the feature impacts browsing speed. It’s also critical to ensure that you display individual ads for an adequate period and that the time interval between ads is adequate.
Wrap Up
Ad refresh is a controversial topic in the publishing world. However, the Ad refresh feature adheres to relevant ad exchange policies and conditions. You may consider testing the feature on your website before implementing it in the long run.