Even in the 19th century when slots were first introduced to the public, punters were busy inventing schemes that could help cut corners and guarantee winning spins. One of the earliest forms of cheating was the use of powerful magnets that would pull the slot symbols into favourable positions that guaranteed payouts. Other weaknesses discovered in early slots were that the levers used to activate each spin, were highly susceptible to manipulation and uneven pressure applied to the lever, could again influence each spin. Cheating slots out of cash became more sophisticated and organized and this was the response needed by slots cheats to keep up with hi-tech changes in the slots world. Devices were inserted into progressive jackpot slots regularly to interfere with their innermost workings and these devices could fool slots into paying out large sums of cash.
The Digital Age
Once slots went digital and moved online, cheating became impossible. However, if you had inside knowledge and access to the slots and their computer codes, then you could still fix slot results at land-based casinos. Admittedly, you would have to be a computer genius to achieve this but it didn’t stop casino employees from attempting this. Today online casino spins are created by Random Number Generator microchips. These chips produce number sequences that create spins across an entire casino platform and this makes online slots impossible to cheat. This means that players have had to find different cheating methods to use that involve bending the rules somewhat, instead of out and out cheating.
1. RTP Slots
Casual slot players often ignore the RTP scores of slot games. However, this is not the case amongst professionals. The Return To Player percentage gives gamblers a guide of how much of a house edge a slot has over the punter. The percentage score roughly tells you how much of your stake you can expect to be returned to you over a period of thousands of spins. Any game boasting a score of over 96% is well worth playing.
2. Casino Hopping
You do not have to stay loyal to one casino and many punters hop onto the nearest casino offering the best deal to new players. This can come in the shape of a first deposit bonus or free spins. The more casinos you join, the more casino cash you access to supplement your game play.
3. Promotions
Always check the promotion page of your account. Here you can find special offers such as free spins or cash boosts.
4. Bonus Spins
Some sites specialize in finding customers the best casino free spins and bonus packages and all you have to do is register.
5. Free Daily Prizes
It is always worth taking a spin on any daily prize wheels casinos may have. You can win cash and free spins without spending a penny.
6. Tournaments
Slots tournaments these days come armed with decent prizes. Anything from gadgets, cash or holidays can be won.