The world of ecommerce is changing rapidly, and online stores are finding new ways to keep up with customer demands. In the UK, the value of ecommerce sales is at a startling 586.3 billion pounds in 2017, and this number is only on the rise.
New technology has had a big effect on the world of commerce. From chatbots to personalized recommendations, there are huge changes on the horizon. One of these changes is 3D technology. While you might not have considered the way 3D technology fits into online stores, it’s all about breaking down the limitations of ecommerce.
Think of it this way: when a customer walks into a brick-and-mortar store, they can pick up the product and hold it in their hands. They can turn the product every which way and really get a feeling for how it works and what it looks like. 3D imaging is a way to bring this experience to the digital landscape.
In this guide, we’ll uncover how 3D technology works online and why it’s a must-have for online stores in 2019 and beyond. Because the customer experience matters more than ever, you can’t miss out on a chance to push your online business even further.
How 3D Technology is Used in Ecommerce
Ecommerce stores have a lot on their plate already. They have to create a customized storescape online, offer different methods of customer support, and deal with customer needs. This WooCommerce Support Partner post by Bright Vessel helps explain how to utilize the right support tools with your ecommerce platform.
Customer expectations are rapidly changing. People are starting to expect a similar experience online that they get at in-person stores. This means online stores need to welcome a new era of innovation.
So how exactly is 3D technology used in ecommerce? It’s primarily used for product imaging. This is where ecommerce has had the most challenges in the past. Product images in no way mirrored the in-store experience, and it left a lot of gaps in the customer’s expectations.
With 3D product imaging, retailers can show customers a 3D product representation. These 3D images are also interactive. Customers can move and scale the product to get a better understanding of what it actually looks and feels like. This is as close to physically being able to experience the product in-person that ecommerce has ever gotten, so this is a big improvement. Objects can rotate, zoom, and be seen in motion thanks to 3D imaging.
From Burrow
Another way ecommerce stores are using 3D technology is with product videos. By showing the product moving in a video with a 3D demonstration, they’re able to show tutorials, how-tos, and actionable steps that can be taken with the product. This is an effective way to communicate with customers, especially with more complicated products like tools or materials.
The sky is the limit when it comes to what types of products can be visualized in 3D. Even shiny and glossy objects like leather and jewelry are able to be reproduced through 3D imaging, a feat that wasn’t possible before. Even fashion is being modeled through 3D imaging. This technology is developing so quickly, who knows where it will go next?
The Results of 3D Technology
How exactly have these changes paid off? While 3D imaging and video has only just started to be introduced in online stores, we already know it’s a success. To see an example of this, just look at TSUM, one of the largest luxury department stores in Eastern Europe. By introducing 3D imaging for their shoes and bags, they’ve increased their conversion rate by almost 40%.
They’re not the only brand that are giving 3D technology a go. Even big-name retailer Amazon has 3D imaging, especially in their fashion department. While this isn’t something that’s used by every platform, it’s especially valuable for luxury goods markets where the way the product is represented matters.
In the near future, we’re likely to see 3D technology push even further into augmented and virtual reality. This is an exciting time in the world of ecommerce, especially for brands willing to go the extra mile to appeal to customers.
Online Stores Redefined by 3D Technology
3D technology is making a huge difference in our online shopping experience. This is good news for both consumers and retailers who want to overcome the challenges of traditional online selling.
What do you make of this technology above? Are you excited to see 3D technology making such a big impact, or do you think it will be slow to catch on? More importantly, are there areas you can apply this technology in your own business?