Lots of folks visit a casino to play properly and fairly. Whichever game they eventually find they like the most, from blackjack to roulette, from poker to slots, they are going to pay money and play, hoping that a little bit of luck will come their way and give them their money back at the very least – they might even make a profit.
And then you will find people who do not play that way, even in online casinos. These are the casino cheaters, the people that believe they ought to win no matter what, and will do what it takes to make that happen. These are the people who are effectively stealing from the casino, and from those who play fairly.
Naturally, casino security now have their own methods of spotting a cheat, but they also rely on the public to report any wrong-doing. Here are some things to look out for.
Can They Really Be High Rollers?
Unless somebody is recognised by sight, casino protection are permanently going to have an interest – although not in an obvious manner – in the high rollers. Most are authentic and they really do have a lot of cash to gamble with. Then there are the fake ones, pretending to be high rollers when in fact they’re nothing but cheats.
One method to identify them is seeing what takes place whenever they lose (fake high rollers are going to need to lose sometimes to show they’re genuine!). Are they only losing when they’ve made small bets and winning when they make big ones? This is a sure sign of a cheat who wants to appear genuine but who doesn’t actually want to lose any money.
Distracting The Dealer
The rule is that dealers should not touch or be touched. It keeps everything nice and fair and safe. Despite this rule, a casino cheat will most likely attempt to distract the dealer by touching their hand or arm, or even by leaning in closer than they have to. In the split second when the dealer is preoccupied, the cheat can take the opportunity to do whatever it is they have to accomplish. Cards are swapped, for instance, and nobody will see.
Card Counting
Individuals who perform card counting have had a great deal of training in it. It is a ‘skill’ which takes some time to understand, and although it’s not cheating specifically, it is going to give you an advantage with regards to blackjack, for instance. Because of this, it’s forbidden in many casinos. But how can someone spot that someone else is counting cards? They’re doing it in their heads, so it shouldn’t be obvious.
In essence this is accurate – card counting isn’t something you can see someone doing just by walking past them at the blackjack table. But if you watch them play over time, a pattern is going to start to come through. For all those in the know, like those that are working as casino security, the indicators that someone is card counting will soon be seen.