The state in which we are seeing the planet now cannot but shock. Thoughtless consumption, pollution of soil, air, oceans and other parts of the ecosystem. If this goes on, very soon it will become impossible to live on Earth – animals will die out, plants will dry up, people will die as a result of wars, natural disasters and diseases.
Scientists of the LifeAsapa Foundation thought about how to use modern technologies in order to restore the balance of ecology, and came to the conclusion that AI, 3D printers, bioprinting, eco-transport are technologies of the future, without the use of which a normal future may not come.
A brief history of the Lifeasapa Foundation
The Lifeasapa Foundation was founded in 2013 and over the past few years has been able to prove to the world that saving the planet is in our hands. The main activity of the company is the development of artificial intelligence, but other technologies are equally interesting for scientists. Every day it becomes more and more obvious that global problems can be solved only with the help of a new solution – a total change in the technologies used and a restructuring of thinking. And the leader among scientists who are not indifferent to the fate of the planet, is the Lifeasapa Foundation.
AI for the benefit of the mankind
The fact that the development of AI will become a technological breakthrough is evidenced by the already familiar developments of the Lifeasapa Foundation, which are capable of doing simply incredible things:
- using a 3D printer, prostheses are already being printed, new human organs and even parts of the skeletal system are created – and this is not a fantasy;
- self-driving taxis help to save fuel and increase road safety – robotic transport eliminates the human factor, so there are much fewer accidents;
- trains with magnetic cushion are the real transport of the future, using a magnetic field and literally “hovering” above the rails.
These are just a few of the technologies that have already entered the life of the mankind and are actively used in different countries. But scientists of the Lifeasapa Foundation do not plan to stop and will continue to invent new gadgets, vehicles and other technological innovations that can make life easier for an ordinary person, and most importantly, make the life more environmentally friendly so that nature has the opportunity to restore.
Published: 29 July 2016