DesignContest recently held a questionnaire to see what type of a logo will increase the consumption of different children’s goods. They have spoken to mothers (as they are the primary consumers), from several European countries, USA, Canada and Australia to share their views, opinions and preferences.
Creating this type of logo is a particularly difficult task, as you are targeting a larger audience. You want your logo to appeal to both the parents and the kids alike. How does one approach such a task?
DesignContest’s creative team has come up with this unique and fun infographic to share the fascinating information they have gathered from their research. Hopefully, it will provide you with an answer to the tough question above. The infographic illustrates all of the criteria required for creating an efficient logo for children’s goods.
There are several points to hold in mind when creating a logo for children’s goods. What type of aesthetics should you aim for? Your design need not be sophisticated, but rather fun and exciting to appeal to the little humans. What type of font should you use? A legible one, of course. Something the kids and mothers can appreciate and be drawn to when strolling down aisles looking for your product. What image or images would make you stand out from the others? Fun. Always choose fun.
First of all, the main image that goes on your product should include animals. That is what most mothers prefer to see on the products they purchase. Other objects can include other children and simple shapes. Majority of mothers like clean and simple logos.
One of the most interesting findings of this research is the preferred color schemes for products. For instance, yellow, orange and green are liked by all whereas blue, red and purple are not.
During this investigation, the following question was asked, “What is important for positive brand reception?” This information is valuable for all businesses, not just the ones dealing with children’s goods. Mothers have voiced that a user friendly website, a unique logo and ergonomic packaging is most valuable to them whereas mobile apps, visiting cards, employee uniforms and company mascots are relatively insignificant.
Lastly, can you guess which children’s care brand names mothers from all over the world know? Nickelodeon, Pampers, Hipp and Nestle. Based on this information, would you be able to guess which brands 3 year olds are able to recognize at such an early age? Keep guessing.
It is not as fascinating sharing this information with you in writing, so do view the infographic to have a better collective understanding and visual stimuli.
Your company or business may not be dealing with children’s goods, however the information presented in this infographic is very fascinating and undoubtedly could relate to your business one way or another. The work that has gone into this research and illustration is impeccable and thorough. It reflects the views of mothers as consumers on a whole new level. And it deserves to be celebrated!
I usually noticed some logos that target childrens are always colorful, and using bright colors. This might be the reason why they are so easy to recognize.
Yeah i notice it. I love my child..