The horizontal belt filter is commonly used in the filtration industry. These vacuum filters are used for multiterm production like cleaning filter cake, plate pressure for avoiding filter cake cracking, and multi-stage washing of filter cake. In addition, it is used because of its adaptability to corrosive slurries.
One of the benefits of using a horizontal belt filter is that it is flexible. This means that it can be tailored to your process needs. A horizontal belt filter is a perfect option if you want to increase production efficiency. The production efficiency of the filter is 2 to 10 times more than other vacuum filters. It is also the right choice for large outputs. Additional about the applications of a horizontal belt filter? In this article, we have mentioned the common uses of horizontal belt filters.
Liquid-Solids Separation
One of the uses of a horizontal belt filter is for the separation of solid and liquid. The slurry must be placed on the vacuum belt so it can be separated. It is a cost-effective and simple design after which no slurry processing will be required.
Moreover, the filter cake is dried enough for disposal without any additional cost. The filter cake can be used for other purposes in the process as well. It also allows the separate liquid to reprocess for enhancing clarity.
Cocurrent Cake Washing
Another use of a horizontal belt filter is for cake washing. During this application, any wash liquid or water is used for displacing the slurry liquid. With washing, you can enhance the dryness of the cake where it is crucial.
Countercurrent Washing
It is a great way to use a horizontal belt filter. This is a better washing system that cocurrent as it is capable of utilizing wash water in a better way. During this process, the filter cake will move in the direction of the belt. The cake-washing liquid will move in the opposite direction. In order to wash and separate between filtrate washes, the wash box was placed near the vacuum box.
Industries Horizontal Filter Belts Can be Used In
Here are the industries where horizontal filter belts can be used in.
- Food industry- lecithin, vanillin, glutamic acid, starch, gluten, lactic acid, and food additive.
- Chemical Industries- catalyst, phosphoric acid, silicate, polymer, ABS resin, fertilizer, PTA, potash, sulfuric acid, sodium bicarbonate, etc.
- Pharmaceutical industry- enzyme, agrochemicals, pharmaceutical intermediates, nutraceuticals, penicillin, and others.
- Mining and metallurgy- gold, copper, silver, nickel, zinc, iron, flotation concentrate, rare earth, coal, aluminum, acid, and many others.
- Environmental protection- fly ash treatment, coolant purification, tailings dehydration, power plant flue gas desulfurization, etc.
Bonfilt is a leading manufacturer of filter cloth that will meet the high demands of various filtration industries. We have a wide range of filter cloths for you to choose from. The horizontal filter belt is useful for low cake moisture and highly efficient dewatering. This is a great filter that can be used in various applications including gold, uranium, coal, chemicals, copper leach, phosphoric acid, and industrial minerals.